

  HURT LION   i'm now a wounded lion, teetering on the thread of life of passion — wasted years & shattered dreams as i inhale the smell of oppression, my nostrils revolt, gasping for air for life captured in metals i am a display of beauty in this horrible garden bearing angles of sorrow sorrow that last i sing to freedom when sleep comes to me the imprisoned lion’s roar is as vain as the whisper of a bird singing on the tree weakness eats into my femur and it sinks into a forgotten land of thorns     the poem will feature in a forthcoming anthology in October, 2024.             


  Car ride She felt a loss coming on, yet just a few minutes ago Anima was giggling with her friends, swapping gossip, and telling funny stories. As she waited at the bus stop, the rain started and the wind began blowing. She held on to her skirt –afraid the wind might shove it up. A car pulled up to the bus stop, the window lowered, and the driver asked, “Will you like a ride home? Where are you heading to?” He looked a little older. He was the kind of man that had a young guy’s demeanor. He could easily act like a 30-year-old.   Anima, freezing to the bone, nodded and opened the passenger door. She got in and with chattering teeth attempted to thank the father of one of her friends she’d been partying with. “Lift your skirt and I’ll show you a trick to get warm in two minutes.” Anima lifted the skirt up and the man cranked up the heat and told Anima to hold the skirt around the heating duct and the chill receded, and then came on again when she felt the man’s hand on her th

Flash Fiction Thursday

           beauty  You looked at the beautiful environment at the Legon Botanical Gardens –the first time you had stepped into the site. You were captivated by its beauty; it stirred memories of both what you possessed and what you had lost. They say beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and you found it in the life you had last year; in the things that defined your existence — a life well lived. Last year was the best moment of your life, the absolute best until it went away to a world unknown. Mama accompanied you to the botanical gardens. She shared in your sorrow, your anguish, and your happiness. She was your everything. You didn't know how you would've lived without mama's support. She stayed with you at your best, middle –and now, your lowest.  Mama dished out the food. She had encouraged you to go out; she told you to step out and embrace your new life. You didn’t want to go unless it’s with her. She was all that you had — the only importance in your life. Mama k

confessional break!

  if i  had a nickel for every time i missed sleep......  Sleep evades me. It has left my life like the way you leave a toxic relationship. It has ship its things away setting sail to iceland. If I saved a dime for every time sleep escaped my eyes, I’d be the next Bill Gates. Forced passion with pillows soothing the scalp.  I never seem to sleep. Even during my blog launch yesterday, I didn’t sleep. I shared my post at dawn. I brainstormed, fidgeted and listened to Taylor Swift.  This raises a lot of questions about who I am — I'm the type of person who denies myself sleep. I refuse the pleasure of being in bed and even closing my eyes. My bed has thorns; invisible ones poking through the mattress to my eyes.  This struggle started back in my undergraduate days and continued into postgraduate studies. Probably in level 100, I used to walk around campus late at night; often at 12am, 1am, and 3am. This habit led to two scary incidents where guys tried to attack me. One wanted my phon
  It's been a long time coming - in Taylor Swift's voice. Finally, I've started my blog. And guess what? I've got surprises waiting for you —articles, poems, stories, and all kinds of writing. I'm excited for you to explore what I've created; I can't wait for you to read my words — or read me— it's the chills you're sending me now😹. Making art hasn't been easy, especially finding pieces that flow smoothly. With my pen, my art will be smooth; and, I'm counting on your support. As you look through my profile, share my link for interaction. I'm really looking forward to you reading my work and getting lost in my words.